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Farewell and welcome dinner


KimLab had a farewell and welcome dinner in 자연별곡@Wangsimni.

- Sehwan earns his master's degree on August 21. He joined CoreStem before graduation on July 1 as a bioinformatics researcher.

- Sumin has successfully completed an undergraduate research on single-cell RNA seq that she had studied since the spring semester. She will focus her undergraduate classes in her final fall semester.

- Chae Yeon joins KimLab as a PhD candidate in the MS-PhD integrated program of KHU. She receives a full scholarship of more than 20M won for two years from Kyung Hee University. The scholarship recipients were elected based on their undergraduate GPA records. Congrats!

- Dr. Young-Chang Kwon at Hanyang University joined the dinner.

(from left to right) Ki-Nam, Eunji, Sumin, Chae Yeon, Jiwoo, Young-Chang, Sehwan, Kwangwoo

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