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Eunji and Junho successfully defended their dissertations.


Eunji has made excellent research achievements in the field of medical genomics for immune disorders throughout her graduate program. She successfully defended her PhD thesis on Dec 5th (title: Understanding the genetic basis of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis). The thesis committee consisted of Prof. Sang-Cheol Bae (Hanynag University), Prof. So-Young Bang (Hanynag University), Prof. Jinwoo Bae (in the Department of Biology), Prof. Kwoneel Kim (in the Department of Biology), and her supervisor Kwangwoo.

Junho has put a lot of inputs to first conduct metagenomics study in our lab during his MSc progam, anlayzing the complex relationship among gut microbiota, human genetic variants, inflammatory bowel disease. Junho successfully defended his MSc dissertation on Nov 30th titled "Integrative host genome and metagenome analysis reveals severe gut dysbiosis associated with risk of inflammatory bowel disease confers the development of comorbid mental disorders". The committee members were Prof. Chang Kyun Lee (in the Department of Internal Medicine), Prof. Kwoneel Kim, and Kwangwoo.


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